In the first part of the keynote, I would like to tell you the story of how I became from firefighter to Python teacher. I became a fireman when I was six. In the beginning it was just a sport like everyone else. And the way how to get into fire trucks every time :) But ten years after I first had a hose in my hand, I got to my first event. It was a coincidence because I only spent the afternoon in the fire station and had nothing to do. When the alarm sounded, I was usually assisted, I opened the garage, switched on the traffic light, etc., and waited with tension. My commander looked at the report of the event, and told me to get dressed and go too. It was nothing big. Only a car accident of three silver cars and the worst injury was a broken hand, but it was also a very strong experience. And I first recognized the feeling you feel when you help someone in need. I was sure I wanted to go ahead and became a member of the unit. The following years were as expected and I was more and more experienced firefighter. But honestly, when you are a volunteer firefighter, you have enough time to think during waiting for an event. And I wondered how can I help other people even before an accident, fire or injury? Then an older fireman taught me a golden rule that says, "The better the prevention is, the less work we have." So I joined the program called Hasík, which focuses on preventive education in schools. By that time, I had a lot of experience, series of saved lives and situations where it failed, and I thought nothing would surprise me. But I was wrong. Saving someone's life is a wonderful feeling, but teaching someone something what can help in life is also great. And so I began to think what I know what people might want to know? At that time, I was a very experienced Python programmer, so I decided to spread the glory of my favorite language further among the people. First as an organizer and speaker at Pyvo, which is a community meeting of people around Python in the Czech Republic. And then as the chief coach at the PyLadies courses in Ostrava You may wonder what it has to do with the work of a firefighter. That good feeling! It does not really matter what and how you do or what you are studying. If you use your knowledge to help others, a good feeling will come. And you will be adicted. And why else should you try it? That's all my friends.